What do we understand when we first hear yoga? Directly we will think of it as a type of physical move combined with flexibility, well at the end of this article it will not be.
Yoga had been found and practiced more than 5000 years ago, yet it was just delivered to us recently. We unconsciously practice yoga multiple times during our daily routine activities, yoga is beyond the understanding of acting some kind of flexible moves, which can be done by some acrobats; but it won’t have the same meaning.
Yoga is the way of exploring something new with the capability of being willing to receive and adapt.
Still, practicing yoga seems effortless since we can learn some moves from the internet or a friend. If we want to look at and understand yoga physically, we will not gain the real advantage and benefits as the message behind it presents. Yet yoga will remarkably increase our physical and mental health, as well as it can help losing weight since it requires physical moves and positions.
Yoga is our natural reaction which we hide from ourselves, to realize the inner peace when we practice Yoga, gain the ability to accept and adapt our body and gain the lesson of our existence.
Though Yoga has been delivered to us through the practice of a self-understanding method, still we didn’t explore the real meaning behind it. So we need an instructor to guide us when we practice it, to gain the real benefits out of it, which might take 6 to 8 weeks to notice what yoga delivered to us.
Some of us think that yoga is not fitting them or Yoga is for special people, But our Coach Sarah has a different thought.
Through our sessions, we will be practicing multiple types of yoga and will be guiding you on an endless journey of exploring your inner peace and love.
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