How to feel happy and fulfilled while balancing the 12 main areas of your life?.

The wheel of life self-assessment tool looks at existence from 12 realms, or aspects of life, that if ignored or unfulfilled cause suffering and illness and cause blockages in related Chakras.

1. Health and Fitness
2. Intellectual Life
3. Emotional Life
4. Character
5. Spiritual Life
6. Love & Relationships
7. Family
8. Social Life
9. Financial Life
10. Career
11. Life Purpose
12. Life Vision

The self-assessment tool allows people to:

Take a snapshot of where they are now in relation to what or where they desire to be in each realm, by scoring on a scale from 0 to 10 on how satisfied they are.

Once the assessment is complete, the participant is guided to use his super-power (intuition) to prioritize his realms and figure out baby steps to lift his scores.

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